Thursday, July 9, 2009


well apart from the large pile of hw on my desk my room is pretty clean for me... anyway today was the last day of maths.. the girl that had maths with me was soo annoying = = brain it's all ur fault~
i was readin jess's blog a mom ago and i relised that she found her tablet pen, HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT HER DS FOR THE NEXT 2 TERMS!!! HOW
i'm tryna write an eassy on art and pornography... no i do not watch it, our teacher set the topic. there isn't much to write on it apart form the ov reasons.....
oh on the train today i saw this really cute guy... he was cute like OMG cute, LOL just kidding. i was looking up pics for fun (yes eye candy is good for the brain) and i've relised i prefer mainlanders to taiwan! the train was busy today, apart from the odd old lady most were just girl with no lifes or girls with too much energy, maybe i'm just getting old. i was tryning to buy a bag of skittles from thoses vending machines at Richmond station on plt 2 and the stupid machine wouldn't take the money, there i was frezzing and starving to death, and the stupid machine didn't want to take my MONEY!? WHY!? all i wanted was a bag of skittles, i feed it into the machine at least 10 times before i gave up, all the people on the plt were looking at me, probly thinking 'those that werido asian kid'
all my friends are good at the mom apart from a hand full who are ether broken hearted or sick, in fact only three are borken hearted the other one is just plain sick. the thought of having skool on monday is ok, i mean one, i dont' havta go to period one, two, i get to see all my babies and my rabbit again after a long long break, three, i think we're getting new students, it's always fun to have new students, esp international ones~~~ they always bring along a new group of people.
btw nathan is soo slow on his psp... it's funny~~~~
ok i'm off to finish my eassy my net speed will be back to normal 2morow

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Only people who have me on Facebook would know I found my tablet pen.
    The text on the pictures were fonts. Very cute fonts.

    Noobface. Just go buy your own DS. I know you have the money for it.

    Buy yourself some skittles before you go to chinky school.
