Friday, November 12, 2010

ok VCE is over~ =]
i have nothing else to say.. to the least i had a few laughs with a few yr 11's blogs......
well not laughs... but more like mocking giggle~
lol, tryna get a job... yes... i am never NEVER waitressing AGAIN!! NEVER!
after aki's place i have a fear of 12 balls of piping hot miso soup on a tray much too big and much too flimsy to hold the 12 balls of miso soup...
life after VCE is well... boring to say the least... my mum taking my money believeing i will spend it on booze... (not to mention i barley drink due to my crappy piece of blood vessal in my head that swells up when i do drink and gives me migranes) now i am pov, bored, and fat... life is great... it really is...
on a higher (much better note) i have found a reteller for the LG BL 40~!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!
yes it is only 379!!!!!!!!!!! another yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but getting itouch on monday!!! yay@@@@@!!! games baby!!!! and cos my very small very green ipod nano is dying on me.....
went to the city today, almost walked into someone i didn;t like but i ran away =] i'm getting better at running away, but more stupid to where almost walking into a display frame... = =;
yes i am sad...
anyway life will get better when i get into uni (if i can get into uni), probs MEL U, prob never monash, but i will i said i WILL be attending the oriantation week for MONASH!!! because? well,,,, MONASH ISN"T CHEAP LIKE MEL U AND HAS SOO MUCH FREE STUFF DURING THAT WEEK SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol.. such an asian~
anyway saw someone that looked like BRAIN today very creepy..... >--->
yes.... i did....
no another note jap ppl really do like BL and GL don't they.... - -lll i stumbled upon a live action verson of a BL.. the guy was hot... all of them ... = =;
that is not fair...
anyway gonna go and buy chicken now....
bye bye~

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