Thursday, July 29, 2010

啊啊啊啊啊!!不晓得为什么。。。又开始了。。。我对你无语,你说你有可能来。。难道你和mr C-man 是magnet吗?他不来,你就不来。啊啊啊啊啊啊快疯了!!!!
为什么你那么的冷静,为什么你那么的无情,为什么你能让我哭又能让我笑! 为什么!!!
上个post上有一位网友po了一句‘nothing comes from nothing',对,可是nothing也可以come from somthing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

feeling: alittle sad, annoyed, useless
i don't know what it is that gets me up everyday, i don't know if i've started to like someonelse, but i don't know why i keep thinking about you.
confused,,,, and i dont know what ether of you guys are thinking off

Monday, July 19, 2010

不知为何,当我听到还有50 天时,我心里默默地就笑了。因为过了这一段我们有可能再次见面。

Sunday, July 18, 2010

thought i would make a post before i go to bed.
i'm looking forward to school 2morow, more then with every passing school day, i know soon i will be able to be free, at least from vce.
in 40 or so days, i may be able to see you soon, and i hope you'll see me too

Saturday, July 17, 2010


如果没有回信是因为我还没有发现你有留信。请bare with me~
back from mai trip~~ haha... there was alot of ppl... alot....

i thought that maybe a change of scene would change my view of life, maybe it'll change my mind about alot of things. and yet for some reason, it hasn't, for some reason it's strenthened it.

i miss you, i still do, everyday, every minute, every second, i miss you. i wish you woud miss me too