Thursday, July 30, 2009

new hair cut~~~

he he i got a hair cut~~ yes i did finally


it's should lenght now and for those who i see on sunday u'll see and for the rest of u wait untill monday (unless ur at chink skool) my head feels so light~~ yes hair does weigh alot... i swea it took the lady 2 hours... to cut my hair, i know it;s long but still 2 hours... i nearly feel asleep.... but she stuffed up my fringe... it's too short i guess it'll grow out..... i hope

anyway heres a pic i took about 5mins ago~~

he he~~~ u can't really see the lenght but it stops at my shoulders~~~

i keep trying to pull my hair forward and then realising that well it worn't cos it;s short now....


going to the monash uni open day on sunday... i wonder which campus havn't decied... well i guess i'll havta do some calling... anyway i havta go to the airport in the moring to go and pick her up YAY i have a 'dictionary' back.. now she can help me with my methods.... YAY

any going to go and do my detail study now.. it's due 2morow

havn't done any of it

(= =)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


i sepreated this one from the one below, well because. the last one was really depresseing and i didn't know how to jump from that to this, after school on saturday and bright sunday morning, i got on you tube and found out how to make a rose,,, out of paper, it doens't look as good as i want it to but it will so more practice.... anyway when i finish one that i think looks like the way i want it to i'll post it up for everyone to see, talking about roses the ones i made out of ribbon are still sitting there on my deask now full of dust... people were telling that it's weird for rose to make roses..... anyway i love them... he he

love? what is it?

we were in english today when our teacher mrs c decied for us to expolor LOVE IS A PARADOX

though love is a selfless thing we seem to do so many selfish things in order to gain it. they say love is the only thing you should be selfish about, and yet we become so selfless in love.

we love to the extant that we come to hate, hating someone so much that everything about them becomes us.

i wonder what it's like to acurally 'love' someone, it's a owrd used so commonly and yet i have no idea of it's meaning and what it feels like. sometimes i evny those who have been in love, even if they were hurt, their emitions are real. yet i feel as though i am just passing time. i wonder what it's like to feel.

i've always admired jake and connies love for each other, and how deeply they were in love, and how once that love changes into something different their relationship also changes. i wonder why it is that humans crave for love the way we do. prehaps love is the meaning of life, maybe our lives are set out to love someone deeply and then move on.

the thought of never accurally loving someone deep enough for me to want to give them everything. i may never learn of that 'love', i may just make myslef believe thats it's love and allow myslef to get sweeped away by the whole culture of love. has anyone ever felt love in it's purest form?

if u have an idea, leave a comment i would like to know, how do u know when love comes knocking?

Monday, July 27, 2009


yes my first physics semester 2 test has come about
(= =)
not looking forward to it, i was watching shinny inheridence about an hour ago.. man does the ending suck! well not the ending but like the last episode... it was just them been lovy dovy~ not intersting at all....
i fail to understand y li seung gi is cute........i really do... i mean junse oppa is much much better looking and is also nicer
i think i need to go and study now.... i hope i get a good mark, i mean it would need it.
talking about that style will be aring next week... not really intersted but all well..... i guess dream will be airing some time soon..... only alittle longer until kim bum is back
oh yea open day for monash is on sunday.... i hope it doesn't turn out like last year

Saturday, July 25, 2009

last minute

befor i go off... i was doing some myspace stalking HAHA just kidding looking up some famouse people on wretch couldn't find anyone = =; maybe i just don't know how....
anyway i was one of my friends sites today... man mirua is cute, i'm dying i wanna watch gokusen~

Friday, July 24, 2009

on again

YAY~~~ still hyper from before, well more now, because my long awaited CROWS ZERO2 has been subbed and posted onto mysoju~~~ yes my dear Mirua is in it so is shun~~~ i havta say i can't get enough of mirua~~
onto different news i've decied to watch Koishite akuma, i was frist intersted in this due to the akuma in the title, and for those of us who don't know akuma means demon or devil in jap... i have a thing for demons and devils~~~ not in the creepy i follow satan way but the shoujo OMG he's a demon 'forbidden love' thing~~
i'm been too much of a fan girl now...
anyway i havta do my half an hour of sky riding tonight, for those who dont know its a very asian exercis when u lay on ur back and do a bike action in the air, trust me after 10mins of it i'm already half way dead, after last nights first attempt my abs (not that i have any) hurt and my back hurt.... it's all michelles fault eating salads and exercising like crazy.... now i feel bad... so i decied to join her on her way to become a 45kg werido.... she's only wat 50kg? and she's like 162... man am i depressed.
latly i've had a thing for bad boyz..... yes i thought K was cute and A as well.... they are cute, anyway i had the crazyiest day on thursday, (i forgot about it) i met my thai baby every i went at skool.. it was good
ok my downloading has reach 99% so me gonna go and read my long awaited manga~~ yes i am back on that stuff can't get enough of it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

我今天high了~~~~~~~~ really hyper today








translated verson

it's ok, acurally i was taking photos of myslef......he he ....... really hyper


can u unerstand my hyerness now?

he he he he~~~~~~~~~~~he he he he ~~~~~~~~~~~

i acurally have homeowrk to do, but i'm too lazy to do it so, i took photos

after i finished my photo taking,,, i realised i had one that made me look like a bun, so acurrally everyone i'm a meat bun........


after alot of paint work i came up with this.....
i should be doing my chinese homework...... well i'll do that later
i was watching true beauty last night, man those people are sooo dumb "wanna smoothie?" i swear all that guy cares about are smoothies and shakes..... i'm sorry to tell u NO ONE likes them!!!!
he he
i came back home during period 4 today.... i'm sorry su... i left u all alone.... but everyone else went so i decied to be a sheep and follow.... he he i almost missed the bus... that would have been bad.... it was pretty windy today.......
well i was thinking about going to the carrees expo thingy in the city on sunday, but parents are been tight... so don't know if i'm going if i am i wanna buy hua twu, and hair bands as well.. and maybe an unbrella to replace the one that JAKE broke.....
anyway going back to my dramas... he he can't wait fro KO tonight~~~
bye bye

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


i don't care what u say i wish someone would hurry up and upload Gokusen the movie already it's aldready been 10 days people COMMON i wanna watch it bad, cos teppei and shun and mirua are all in it not to mention KAME! all of the hot people are there LET ME WATCH THE GOD DAMN MOVIE!
on that note if it shown here in australia i would go and watch it not to mention y hasn't ANYONE subbed CROWS ZERO II i want to watch that too....
i was in shock today when i read online that MIRUA's letters phototbook was shot here in AUSTRALIA!!!! YES HERE IN OUR OWN BACK YARD! Y DIDN"T ANYONE TELL ME I WOULD HAVE FLOWN TO THAT PLACE TO SEE HIM! OMG
well i can't anymore can i he's gone back, WHY DO U DO THIS TO ME!
anyway i was good today i feel as though eng has become somthing intersting, apart from the gossip that Mrs C gave us about Poh from mastercheif, the day was pretty boring, i still can't understand how CRYSTAL can leave her keys in her lunch box... = = yes she lost them in her lunch box.....
thats all today he he talk 2 u 2moro

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

he he

well i guess i'm in a good mood today, acurally a home work mood. he he
well last night i made a new pencil case, i think it's cute~~~~
after talking to jake, and then nathan, i havta say, guys are complicated... they have too much time, i mean girls don't go anround annoying someone else just because.... well i would... but not to that extant.....
well the international students had a excursion today, while michelle and min went off to the empty MCG we still had fun, i learnt a new game today~~ acurally it's chopsticks but asian style! i've been listening to Jerry Yan's new album Freedom latly, i don't know it's right for me now, i mean i kinda feel stuck, unsure of what it is i want, i guess most of us feel like that at the moment, but i still feel as though i'm more lost then everyone else, like i'm waiting fro somthing to just pop up, but nothing has right now.
(* *)
i remeber someone telling me that chances are only for those who are ready, and yet i don't know what to be ready for. will someone/somthing just pop up when i don't want it to? or will it give a 4 week notice that it's coming. waiting seems like a long long game, but i guess if it is coming then it would be wroth it~~~
so if ur out there come soon, ok? because i don't think i can wait anylonger...
but if u have somthing on, i guess i can wait for a while, just a little while though~
it just seems like the end of the year is coming too fast, in one more year we wouldn't be high school students anymore, some of us worn't even be students, and havta pay full fare on the train, or find someway to get a car before all the oil runs out
~(# #)~
which reminds me that i should talk to someone, or at least say that i like them before it's too late, i guess i'm just affarid that i'll miss the chance. i mean would it be werid if someone just confessed to you? well i hope not, but i guess i probly worn't, cos he's got exams coming up, and well it's probly not the right time.
wow i've written alot today, well i guess i should keep going on with my genreal conversation for chinese and write a eassy for english... i guess at least some of it.
well bye bye everyone

Monday, July 20, 2009

sac mark back

very depressed
well i made a new pencile case today out of that table plastic thing u put over teh plastic it's pretty cute if u ask me
well apart from the nathan vs jake thingy going on, everything is fine, i mean seriouly people get over it just don't talk 2 each other and u'll be fine i mean it works fine for me....
anyway it's also good to read finally that jake has decied to move on.... i hope u find the right person jake.
and nathan ur been childish, and u should say sorry for what u said, jake u as well u should say sorry for saying that nathan is a pedo
ok it's done now and both of u can't go crazy over it now

Saturday, July 18, 2009

feeling sad


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


i'm telling if ur with a phone company don't EVER EVER EVER swap to SOUL it is the stupidiest and more dumbest company there is.
not to mention the people who work in that company can't count money yes 1+1=2, they keep telling me that i have to pay for things that i havn't used!!! FUCK i'm pissed off at the stupid company i've been calling them for the last 3 months every week and FUCK they still can't work out that 19.95+11=30.95!!!! man they are so stupid and they tell me even though i pre pay that i am paying a month behind, FUCK DO U PEOPLE KNOW WHAT PRE PAID FUCKING MEANS!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


omg i just remebered today that we have a SAC on FRIDAY
i can't believe that i forgot >...<
nothing much happened today apart from the cold weather and me relising such and important event.
we watched lantana today in english (it's out text for this term) man theres alot of sex in that movie... alot, alot, alot of sex
for some reason everyone in that movie is ether craving for sex or is having and affair or is killing for sex....
i think chemistry is the only subject i have intrest in at the moment.... sad i know but it's true i can't seem to find intrest in any other subject.
after talking to jake last night i relised that he really really really loves connie..... and that made me think..... relationships are complicated.... very complicated.... too complicated for little old me....

new look

it took me 1 hour yes one WHOLE hour to work out how to change the template...
i finally worked it out~~~
and now i have a new look blog
well nothing happened at school beside the whole voiln and michelle lets wait for an hour thing and the fact the we can't hear the bell at all at lunch we've been second guessing everybell.... yes life on the edge isn't so good.
now a different note chinese school is starting on saturday, i'll get to see jess and jess and bear and two one and lokyi again YAY~~
well i have to get back to my dy/dx's so i'll write more later

Monday, July 13, 2009


before i get to what happened today at school, i'll talk about yesterday at work...
as many of us know someone came to my work place yesterday (no it was not TVXQ, though that would have been nice) in fact it was someone from school, a person starting with A,..... i swear to god out of everyone, he came.... i wasn't over teh moon, yet it was really akward, part from the fact that i almost spilt miso all over the ground it made work soo hard so i hid in the kitchen eating tempura....

ok 1st day of school... i was running off to catch someone (to tell her some news) for those of you who know in the T8 direction out of the c10 and i had just yelled out that persons name and then i ran into yes i ran into Jhon.... it was akward and he looked at me and i ran off, yes i am hopeless.... but i got to see my jap baby and my ko baby today, didn't see my thai baby or anyone else, but i got to see my rabbit.

i was straving today, this is a lesson to be learnt never leave home without food or money cos it will leave u hungry. oh i brought a perfum today, burberry one, not the one that rabbit was talking about but a different one it had a more green tea smell to it. it cost 99.95 for 50ml..... 99.95..... my pocket is now empty and i no longer have any spending money (i do but just not in my buget) it was good today, i guess, for the first lesson in physics we had a prac, in fact it was ok because i accurally get motion!!!

apart form the rush of homework the morning was good i got my physics homework done in time and my methods too. i was thinking about buying something soon for michelles brihday before it;s too late and i worn't have time to go out, after all she is truning the big 18. i think i might get her something nice, but havn't decied what.

we got new ppl in our chem class to day, apart from the people i can't stand aka round face and bimbo now theres another one, yes the biggest idiot in our year level. i swear and here i was thinking YES no more round face next semster and she comes back with an extra one. we had new people in our physics class too, these people i was more happy with Jim and Ji won both from my eng classes, any back to the original story i was gonna tell, while mrs c was going on about something in chem i was day dreaming that a nija had just droped off the roof and made it behind round face, it was a funnny seen, though i was the only who was imaging it, he was dyeing her hair blue! ha ha .... that would be funny.

well that all for today, i need to finish my prac for physics so i can scam aimee for help 2morow or mr killeen, which one comes first, they're both good, though i must say i fail to understand what linear approximation is and how to change the dy/dx thingy.... i should start paying attention in class from now...

well bye bye for now....

Thursday, July 9, 2009


well apart from the large pile of hw on my desk my room is pretty clean for me... anyway today was the last day of maths.. the girl that had maths with me was soo annoying = = brain it's all ur fault~
i was readin jess's blog a mom ago and i relised that she found her tablet pen, HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT HER DS FOR THE NEXT 2 TERMS!!! HOW
i'm tryna write an eassy on art and pornography... no i do not watch it, our teacher set the topic. there isn't much to write on it apart form the ov reasons.....
oh on the train today i saw this really cute guy... he was cute like OMG cute, LOL just kidding. i was looking up pics for fun (yes eye candy is good for the brain) and i've relised i prefer mainlanders to taiwan! the train was busy today, apart from the odd old lady most were just girl with no lifes or girls with too much energy, maybe i'm just getting old. i was tryning to buy a bag of skittles from thoses vending machines at Richmond station on plt 2 and the stupid machine wouldn't take the money, there i was frezzing and starving to death, and the stupid machine didn't want to take my MONEY!? WHY!? all i wanted was a bag of skittles, i feed it into the machine at least 10 times before i gave up, all the people on the plt were looking at me, probly thinking 'those that werido asian kid'
all my friends are good at the mom apart from a hand full who are ether broken hearted or sick, in fact only three are borken hearted the other one is just plain sick. the thought of having skool on monday is ok, i mean one, i dont' havta go to period one, two, i get to see all my babies and my rabbit again after a long long break, three, i think we're getting new students, it's always fun to have new students, esp international ones~~~ they always bring along a new group of people.
btw nathan is soo slow on his psp... it's funny~~~~
ok i'm off to finish my eassy my net speed will be back to normal 2morow

Saturday, July 4, 2009

sorry for the change of account... again

i don't know//....

people have been telling me to get facebook/myspace..... y can't they just go on my wretch account???~~~
anyway i'm here now....
happier news now~~~~
i'm finally able to go places~~~ no more swine flu~~~ not that i had it.... just that now theres a vaccine and a cure... mum is no longer 'YOU CAN'T GO ANYWHERE'
i have to say... after my trip to tasmina i am glad that melbourne isnt so small... infact i think bendigo is even bigger then Hobart.....
the sprit was nice though it allowed me a nice sleep.
not looking froward to school......
on another note, did you guys buy a lotto for the 90milion??? i did~ i was praying like hell... but i didn't win anything. i mean if i had won 90 milion i wouldn't need to go to school again ever~~~ i can just go off and buy a bunch of houses and live of the rent~~~~ yay~~~~ thinking about it makes me depressed......

the other day(right after i got back from tassie) my biffle almost got bashed up..(lol..sorry) but he had to mention 'that' person within his story.... got me alittle depressed.... it made me realise that even without someone life will go on, no matter how important that person is to you, that person's life will be no different without you. maybe if i hadn't jumped the boat we would be friends? anyway, the best i can do is to wish you a happy life... and thank you for been the first person that i've cared for.

i'm over it now... i think... but i guess i worn't have time to think about it soon, with both the chinese and methods exams coming up i'm gonna havta give up my computer for a

ok bye for now~~~